

Rub-A-Dub-Dub (P&H Books, 2023) is my first novel.

Title TBC (P&H Books, 2025) is my second novel.


A Loose Egg (Self-Published, 2014) is a collection of my best short humour pieces.

Stern Plastic Owl (Go Faster Stripe, 2021) is a second collection of my funny short pieces.


Escape Everything! (Unbound, 2016) is a practical guide to life beyond the rat race. It’s been translated into German (Heyne, 2016) and Korean (Cassiopeia, 2018) and reappeared in paperback as I’m Out (Unbound, 2021).

The Good Life for Wage Slaves (P&H Books, 2020) is at once a misery memoir and guide to living well in a hostile environment. This one also comes in German (Heyne, 2020).

Fringe/Comedy History

You Are Nothing (Go Faster Stripe, 2012) is about Cluub Zarathustra, the strange early comedy of Simon Munnery, Roger Mann and Stewart Lee.

Melt It! The Book of the Iceman (Go Faster Stripe, 2022) is an extended pictorial interview with a first-wave alt comedy legend. I’m very proud of this one.