Escaping. Leaving. Doing a bunk. Scarpering. Skiving. Quitting. Exiting stage left. Absenting oneself. Playing truant. Going AWOL. Naffing orf. Giving the slip.
I am good at these things.
In fact, I’m so good at them that I set up a periodical to explore the latest developments in the lost art and burgeoning science of Escapology.
New Escapologist is a biannual magazine of wise and funny writing. It was “came to an end” in 2017 but returned triumphantly in 2023.
In the interim, the blog never stopped and the back catalogue (Issues 1-13) remained in print. You can now subscribe to all future editions.
Praise for the magazine
“we immediately fell for its idiosynscratic mix of gentle humour, curious interviews and more serious reports.” — MagCulture
“a wonderful magazine” — Monocle Radio’s The Stack
“Fabulous, a wonderful magazine” — Jonathan Simons, Analog Sea.
“Delightfully eccentric but perfectly serious” — Outside Left
“Ambitious, elegantly-designed, literary.” — Yahoo! News.
“Foppish, irresponsible, and very needed” — Pat Kane, Thoughtland.
“Excellent publications that deserve a wide readership.” — Tom Hodgkinson, editor of the Idler and author of How to be Free.
“A brilliant magazine on the theme of escape as a sane response to an insane situation.” — Brian Dean, Anxiety Culture.
“I have the latest New Escapologist on my bedside table. I go nowhere without it. And I always make sure New Escapologist is on it.” — Ian Macpherson, writer and comedian.
“A splendid publication. So cheerful and light, yet with a ninja-sharp intellect hiding just beneath the surface.” — Mr. Money Mustache
“Entertaining and highly literate reading, even if you’re relatively content with wage slavery.” — Moneysense.
“We had to wait thirty years for someone to come up with an idea like this – an indie magazine about escape attempts!!! Next step: a whole Escapology Cult.” — Prof. Stanley Cohen, co-author of Escape Attempts.