To Edinburgh again, this time to meet with Aislinn and Reggie who are over from Belfast. Aislinn, director of horror films, is here to speak at a Film Festival panel called The Science of Scary. While Aislinn is busy, we hang out with Reggie in bars and cafes. It feels good to just talk; we’re more usually together in service of some foolhardy last-minute project. He tells us about a programme he’s making for Radio 4 about Ireland and the Surrealists.
We pop into the National Museum to escape the rain. We see my favourite sections: Auntie Viv’s battle armour and Dolly the Sheep, who is stuffed and slowly revolves on a platform. It’s what we all hope for. We spot a tourism poster displaying the Forth Bridge. As fond as I am of this fine country, “Scotland for your Holidays” sounds remarkably like “You’re Grounded, Young Man.”